Love : How do you show your love and appreciation to your significant other or yourself? 😊

Let’s be honest for a second… We all love to be loved, we all need to be loved, in fact, many personal traumas start from not having enough love as a child. And that leads us to developing behavioral patterns as adults that don’t always serve us that well.

Truth is, this is something we can fix…it might take longer to unlearn that behavior but it is doable. Whether you go to therapy, have a life coach, read books, or whichever approach best suits you. All we need to do is decide!

Decide to feel love and be loved. Decide to seek help, decide to move forward and implement all that you’ve learned from your teacher, from your mistakes, from life.  And you know what, people mirror what we do, say, and feel about ourselves. Meaning, if we are constantly putting ourselves down or not taking care of ourselves the way we wanted to, we attract those types of experiences and people. They mirror our energy, and we get stuck in this low vibration and depressing vortex where everyone around us is treating us the way we SHOWED them.

So, by deciding we want to be loved and feel love, we are one step closer to what we desire.

Here are a few things you could do to get you on your way of appreciating the heck out of yourself.

First and foremost, we need to accept and love ourselves for who we are, where we are in life, our strengths AND weaknesses. Be proud of what we have achieved, even if we think it’s not enough or we should’ve been somewhere else at this point. And as far as “shoulds” go - well, that is a whole other topic which I am planning to address soon.

As you probably know, communication is a key to everything. Communicate to our loved ones – partner, family, friends – how we would like them to talk or not talk to us, how to address certain issues, what do we like, dislike. We need to say it out loud.

The other great way to get our point across is by showing them. Yes, that’s right, lead by example! We want to be appreciated, taken care of, rewarded for our hard work? Do all of that! Find the time to do some selfcare – gym, spa, sound, prayer, sleep, whatever it is.

It is not that easy to do all this work, I know, I am continuously doing it- always a work in progress. But you need to start somewhere. My latest self care routine is – monthly massage, monthly chiropractor, daily meditation, gym, sound baths -virtual and in person, I’ve been following and attending Aly Raymer’s classes ... need to reduce stress? It’s the thing to do😉

We want love but can we love ourselves? Can we give love? Especially if you have children – how are you showing them to love themselves and what love is?

So… are you ready for it?




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